Lunar New Year is THE most important time of the year. It was my favorite as a child but soon became bittersweet. As a Gen 1.5 queer Taiwanese American, it was often lonely. The criticisms elevated the more I became me. Why can’t you dress like the other girls? You’re getting too dark playing basketball, no one will marry you. Such a shame so tall and pretty, but act too much like boy. My identity and culture didn’t seem to align. It left me confused and hurt.
It took years but I’ve reconnected with my roots and bask in the rainbow. My feet are deeply planted in both worlds to help build gaysian community. It’s our responsibility to exist as we are so others can do the same. Love is love and love always wins. It’s not culturally inappropriate to be visible. It’s not disrespectful to love who you love and show it. It won’t be easy with the obstacles that present itself BUT you will be free. RuPaul said it best, “If you can’t love yourself, how in the hell you gonna love somebody else?” Love, thrive, and elevate others.